Thank you so much for purchasing a DIY ornament kit! All of your supplies are included, but a toothpick could be helpful in puncig out smaller pieces. The only other item you'll need is a cup of water for rinising your brush!
Start with using the wedge for covering the main part of your ornament. Be sure not to use too much paint so that your score lines show through for placing other pieces. Set aside to dry.
Using the brush, paint the pieces your desigerd colors and details. A great way to get dots is to dip the end (not the brush) in paint and then make small dots on your pieces. Set those aside to dry.

While all your pieces are drying, paint the wooden bead, if you choose.
After rinsing your paint brush, use that to paint glue on the back of your pieces and glue to your ornament.
Next is your twine and bow assembly. Tie a knot in your twine to make a loop and thread your wooden bead onto the twine. Follow the photos below to finish the twine and bow:

Pull the twine tight and it will cinch down on the ribbon to form the bow. Push the bead down on top of the ribbon.
If you are using one large ribbon, don't fold, just simply feed the ribbon through and cinch down.